Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense – Bahasa Inggris mungkin menjadi salah satu pelajaran yang banyak digemari oleh kalangan pelajar, baik mereka yang masih duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar, SMP maupun SMA. Ada banyak sekali ilmu yang bisa didapat oleh kita jika menekuni pelajaran yang satu ini.
Penting diketahui juga bahwa Bahasa Inggris menjadi Bahasa Internasional yang patut dan tentunya menarik untuk dipelajari. Di dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, kita tentu pernah belajar mengenai Tenses, dan salah satu yang sering muncul di pembelajaran adalah Present Continous Tense.
Bagi kalian yang belum mengetahui Present Continous Tense, disini kami akan menjelaskan lebih dulu apa pengertiannya. Present Continous Tense atau basa juga disebut dengan Present Progressive Tense merupakan bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau aksi yang sedang berlangsung atau in progress pada waktu sekarang atau saat ini.
Secara singkat, tense ini menunjukkan suatu kejadian sedang dilakukan atau sedang terjadi pada saat ini. Mengenai pembahasan kali ini, disini kami akan membagikan beberapa contoh soal Present Continous Tense yang bisa kalian jadikan referensi untuk pembelajaran. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung saja kita simak pembahasan lengkapnya berikut ini.

Daftar Contoh Soal Present Continous Tense
Di awal pembahasan ini kami akan langsung masuk ke topik utama yaitu mengenai kumpulan contoh soal Present Continous Tense. Ada banyak sekali referensi untuk contoh soal ini yang bisa kalian jadikan pembelajaran sebelum menghadapi ulangan Mingguan atau Ujian akhir sekolah. Soal Present Continous Tense bisa dipastikan akan selalu muncul, maka dari itu agar bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada, maka kalian bisa belajar lebih dulu dengan melihat kumpulan contoh soal Present Continous Tense berikut ini.
1. Contoh Soal Pertama
Contoh Soal Positive Sentences Part 1
- Look! Andy (work) in the garden.
- Look! Andy is working in the garden.
- I (watch) TV at the moment.
- I am watching TV at the moment.
- We (read) a book.
- We are reading a book.
- She (play) the piano.
- She is playing the piano.
- Listen! Sue and John (sing).
- Listen! Sue and John are singing.
Contoh Soal Positive Sentences Part
- My sister (clean) the bathroom.
- My sister is cleaning the bathroom.
- Look! They (go) inside.
- Look! They are going inside.
- I (wait) in the car now.
- I am waiting in the car now.
- Mrs Miller (listen) to CDs.
- Mrs Miller is listening to CDs.
- We (speak) English at the moment.
- We are speaking English at the moment.
- His brother (to write) a test at the moment.
- His brother is writing a test at the moment.
- They (to swim) in the pool.
- They are swimming in the pool.
- Look! David and Max (to come) home.
- Look! David and Max are coming home.
- My dog Charlie to the park.
- My dog Charlie is running to the park.
- I (to make) breakfast now.
- I am making breakfast now.
Long and Short Form
- We are reading a letter.
- We’re reading a letter.
- He is opening the window.
- He’s opening the window.
- I am playing computer games.
- I’m playing computer games.
- She’s dancing at the party.
- She is dancing at the party.
- They’re drinking a cup of tea. _
- They are drinking a cup of tea.
Negative Sentences
- We are playing a game.
- We are not playing a game.
- I’m drawing a picture.
- I’m not drawing a picture.
- He is making the pizza right now.
- He is not making the pizza right now.
- Susan and her brother are taking photos.
- Susan and her brother are not taking photos.
- Dad is working in the kitchen.
- Dad is not working in the kitchen
Questions and Signal Words
- Robin / to ride / his bike?
- Is Robin riding his bike?
- where / she / to go?
- Where is she going?
- what / your mother / to do / now?
- What is your mother doing now?
- Sally / to read/ her books?
- Is Sally reading her books?
- kids / to play/ hide and seek?
- Are kids playing hide and seek?
2. Contoh Soal Kedua
- My brother (talk) on the phone right now.
My brother is talking on the phone right now. - Are you sleeping (you/ sleep)?
Are you sleeping? - Jack (do) his homework at the moment.
Jack is doing his homework at the moment. - Tim (work) on a project nowadays.
Tim is working on a project nowadays. - My kids (play) in the garden now.
My kids are playing in the garden now. - Some people (wait) to talk to you.
Some people are waiting to talk to you. - My mother (not cook) today.
My mother isn’t cooking today. - (Lisa/ study) for her exam right now?
Is she studying for her exam right now? - (Ronald/ play) the piano now?
Is he playing the piano now? - Laurent and I (paint) the fences today.
Laurent and I are painting the fences today. - Ana (help) me at present.
Ana is helping me at present. - My friends (not listen) to the radio now.
My friends aren’t listening to the radio now. - Sisca (not drink) tea now.
Sisca (not drink) tea now. - I (vacuum) the carpet right now.
I am vacuuming the carpet right now. - My uncle (watch) TV now.
My uncle is watching TV now. - What (she/ eat) right now?
What is she eating right now? - (your dog/ hide) from me?
Is your dog hiding from me? - What book (you/ read) nowadays?
What book are you reading nowadays? - John (drive) me home now.
John is driving me home now. - I (wash) my face at the moment.
I am washing my face at the moment.
3. Contoh Soal Ketiga
- Zaki sedang memikirkan tentang apa yang telah terjadi padanya hari ini
- ——————————————————————————–
- Maria sedang membeli buah-buahan dari pasar sekarang
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- Apakah Bella dan Yuni sedang mencetak foto liburan mereka?
- ——————————————————————–
- Dimas tidak sedang merekam kegiatan di kelas saat ini.
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- Apakah kucing itu sedang memanjat pohon?
- ————————————————-
- Herman sedang mematikan semua komputer di laboratorium sekarang.
- ——————————————————————————
- Witha sedang menangis karena kakinya terluka.
- —————————————————-
- Para penjaga toko tidak sedang menutup toko mereka saat ini.
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- Apakah mereka sedang berdiri di atas jembatan sekarang?
- —————————————————————-
- Aku tidak sedang duduk di depan televisi saat ini.
- ——————————————————
Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Ketiga
- Zaki is thinking about what happened to him today.
- Maria is buying in the market now.
- Are Bella and Yuni printing their vacation photos?
- Dimas is not recording the activity in the classroom this time.
- Is that cat climbing the tree.
- Herman is turning off all computers in the laboratory now.
- Witha is crying because her foot is wounded.
- The shop clerks are not closing their shop this moment.
- Are they standing on the bridge now.
- I am not sitting in front of TV this time.
Mengenai pembahasan diatas terkait contoh soal Present Continuous Tense, disini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Present Continuous Tense merupakan salah satu pelajaran dalam bahasa Inggris yang menarik untuk dipelajari. Dari sini kita juga bisa mengetahui banyak sekali kosakata-kosakata kalimat yang umum diucapkan di setiap harinya. Ada juga beberapa pembelajaran lain yang bisa kalian pahami seperti mengenai macam macam ToBe atau tenses lainnya.
Nah itulah beberapa informasi lengkap yang bisa kalian simak diatas mengenai contoh soal Present Continuous Tense, bagaimana? tidak sulit bukan mempelajari Present Continuous Tense? Baiklah, mungkin hanya ini saja yang dapat sampaikan, semoga pembahasan diatas bisa bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan kalian semua.